
TÜV Süd sigel ISO_9001:2015   

Unser Qualitätsmanagementsystem am Standort Heilbronn und am Produktionsstandort in Schkopau ist zertifiziert nach ISO 9001:2015


3 July 2024
Ionic Liquids in the „Jugend forscht“ competition

In this year's competition, the project "Luminous foils: Ionic liquids in gels - influence on thermostability?" was a

19 January 2024
IL-0348-N2222 BF4

A promising conducting salt for supercapacitors and also as electrolyte, in the form of acetonitrile solution, it offers a wide operational

13 December 2023
New IL available: IL-0347-Betain BTA
One of the best ILs in order to extract Rare Earth Metals (REE) from different residues (e.g. bauxite) and aqueous solutions.
16 November 2023
IOLITEC lowers prices for 12 ionic liquids

As we scale our industrially produced ionic liquids,

9 November 2023
1-Phenylimidazole now available at IOLITEC

IOLITEC has introduced 1-Phenylimidazole (N-Ph

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