IOLITEC is one of the world’s best known companies when it comes to ionic liquids. This is not only due to the large and constantly expanding portfolio of ionic liquids that we offer, but also due to our competence and extensive R&D services that we have been offering for the last 18 years. Because of our experience, flexibility and thrive for innovation IOLITEC is often invited to take part in EU-funded research projects. This year we have the opportunity to further develop some of the emerging technologies based on ionic liquids in three new Horizon2020 funded research projects.
The first project, called IRRODI, will start in September 2020, has a duration of 36 months and together with our partners from Tecnalia, Fraunhofer Society, Feyecon, Sophim, Jowat, Kliner-Professional, Exergy and Platforma Espanola de Biomasa will try to develop a green and sustainable process for the extraction and valorization of products derived from free fatty acids, contained in deodorizer distillates residual streams, which are found in the last step of the refining process of oils and fats. The main role of the ionic liquids, developed by IOLITEC will be to neutralize the free fatty acids in the initial mixture, thus forming novel bio-based detergents and then to extract valued-added components from the enzymatic esterification feed produced further in the process (such as tocopherol and squalene).
In the second project, named SunCoChem, started in May 2020 and will last 48 months the main target is to develop a competitive and modular tandem photo-electrocatalytic reactor (TPER) to produce high value added products from CO2, water and sunlight. The ionic liquid in the system will have a dual purpose: it is a solvent allowing for much higher CO2 solubility than any other conventional solvents and is at the same time an electrolyte for the CO2 reduction. Partners in the project are the Politecnico di Torino, Helmholtz Zentrum in Berlin, Italian Institute of Technology, Solaronix, Avantium, Laurentia, Hysytech, Diethnes Panepistimio Ellados, Dow chemicals and the Lawrence Berkeley Lab in the US as an associated partner.
Within the third project, BAT4EVER we will develop, together with our partners from the Free University in Brussels, Enwair Energy Technologies, University of Halle, German Aerospace Center, University of Madrid, University of Modena, Vestel Elektronik, Cleancarb and Lithops a new generation of safe and reliable self-healing Li-ion batteries. As you can imagine, the role of IOLITEC will be to provide novel highly conducting non-flammable electrolytes, based on polymerized ionic liquids and IL-enriched polymers.
If you are interested in those, please contact us via e-mail ( or by phone (+49 7131 89839 0).